The city of Upperco, Maryland, is home to fantastic eateries, tourist sites, and locals. In Upperco, there are about 2,349 residents, whereas Baltimore County has about 754,292 people living there. We have compiled data from several reliable sources to offer you a better picture of Upperco since we want to assist those who are coming to or living in Upperco in understanding the dynamics of the city. Information about dwellings in Upperco, demographics, social and educational traits, and even economic data have all been provided.
Upperco is located in the 682.03 square mile Baltimore County. This county has 754,292 residents and is ranked 63 out of all the places in the United States in terms of population.
There are 2,349 individuals living in Upperco, 1,119 of them men and 1,230 of them women. Males in the population have a median age of 41.7, while females have a median age of 42.9. Each year, there are roughly 7,657 deaths and 9,063 births. The population of Upperco is currently divided into 2,333 members of one race and 16 members of two or more races.
567 of the 2,349 residents of Upperco are under the age of 20. In Upperco, there are 271 men and 296 women in the population that are 20 years old or younger. You will be included in that statistic if you are a parent or are younger than 20. Those of you who are older will be included in the 1,832 person population that is 18 years of age and over.
In total, there are 3,315 households in Upperco, with an average of 3 people living there. These Upperco households are 73.15% family households, with non-family units making up the remaining 268.2 percent. In addition, 30.95% of households are headed by children, while 69.05% are headed by adults only.
Upperco has 8,570 residents, with a 43-year-old median age. 52.02% of them are women and 47.98% are men. In Upperco, citizens born in the US make up 88.03% of the resident pool while foreign-born people make up 7.67%. Additionally, non-citizens make up 4.31% of the population. White people make up 91.7% of the population of Upperco. Asians make up the second most prevalent racial group, with 3.0%. In the northern parts of the city, there are more white inhabitants. Asian-identified individuals are more likely to reside in urban areas.
In Upperco, white-collar employment makes up 87.14% of total employment, while blue-collar employment makes up 12.86%. In addition, there are 554 business owners in Upperco (11.84% of the workforce), 2,985 people working for private businesses (63.77%), and 675 people employed by governmental organizations (14.42%).
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