Baltimore County, Maryland has an 827k population in 2019 with a 39.5 median age and a $77,358 median household income. Baltimore County, Maryland's population fell from 828,431 to 827,370 between 2018 and 2019, a 0.128 percent loss, while its median household income increased from $76,182 to $77,358, a 1.54 percent gain.
White (Non-Hispanic) (55.6%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (29.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (6.11%), White (Hispanic) (2.8%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) are the 5 largest ethnic groups in Baltimore County, Maryland (2.46 percent ). In Baltimore County, Maryland, 15.6% of households have English as their second or third language at home.
Baltimore County, Maryland, has a citizenry rate of 94,3 %.
Towson University (5,945 degrees given in 2020), University of Maryland-Baltimore County (3,686 degrees), and Community College of Baltimore County are the three biggest universities in Baltimore County, Maryland (2,668 degrees).
Baltimore County, Maryland had a median property value of $274,600 in 2019 and a homeownership percentage of 65.6%. The majority of commuters in Baltimore County, Maryland traveled alone to work, and the trip took an average of 28.8 minutes. In Baltimore County, Maryland, there were typically two cars per family.
MD's Baltimore County borders York County, Pennsylvania, Carroll County, Maryland, Harford County, Howard County, Kent County, Baltimore City, Maryland, and Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
There are 827k people living in Baltimore County, MD, of which 94.3 percent are citizens. 12.6 percent of Baltimore County, Maryland residents were born abroad as of 2019. (105k people).
Baltimore County, Maryland has 460k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other racial or cultural group. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 244k and Asian (Non-Hispanic) with 50.5k persons, respectively.
Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or Other Languages of Western Africa (14,026 speakers), Spanish (34,761 speakers), and Russian (14,026 speakers) are the most widely used foreign languages in Baltimore County, Maryland (6,745 speakers).
Baltimore County, Maryland has 460k more White (non-Hispanic) residents in 2019 than any other racial or cultural group. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 244k and Asian (Non-Hispanic) with 50.5k persons, respectively.
Hispanics make up 5.81 percent of the population in Baltimore County, Maryland (48.1k people).
In Baltimore County, Maryland, 15.6% of the population speaks a language other than English, which is lower than the national average of 22.6%.
Spanish was the most often spoken non-English language in Baltimore County, Maryland in 2019. Spanish is the native language of 4.47 percent of Baltimore County, Maryland's population. The next two most widespread languages are Russian (0.866%) and Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or Other Languages of Western Africa (1.8%).
In comparison to the national average of 13.7 percent, just 12.6 percent of Baltimore County, MD's 105k residents (or 105k persons) were born outside of the country as of 2019. Baltimore County, Maryland has a percentage of foreign-born residents of 12.4% in 2018, indicating an upward trend in the rate.
Baltimore County, Maryland's whole population's median age in 2019 was 39.5. The median age of citizens of domestic birth was 39, which was generally lower than the median age of citizens of foreign birth, which was 43. However, the population of Baltimore County, Maryland, is continuing to age. All citizens of Baltimore County, Maryland, were 40 years old on average in 2018.
El Salvador accounted for 119,690 of the foreign-born residents of Maryland who were born abroad in 2019, followed by India with 67,289 and Guatemala with 43,589.
The percentage of US citizens living in Baltimore County, Maryland as of 2019 was 94.3 percent, which is higher than the national average of 93.4 percent. Baltimore County, MD had 95.2% of its population who were US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
2.12 times more military soldiers from Baltimore County, Maryland, served in the Vietnam War than in any previous combat.
Baltimore County, Maryland's median household income is $77,358. In Baltimore County, Maryland, Census Tract 4083.03 had the highest Median Household Income in 2019 with a value of $227,321. It was followed by Census Tract 4038.01 and Census Tract 4905, which had values of $205,417 and $169,375, respectively.
In Maryland, the average income of men is $1.23 times greater than that of women, who earn $67,109 on average. Maryland's level of income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.459, which is lower than the national average.
Baltimore County, Maryland's economy supports 428k jobs. Health Care & Social Assistance (73,124 people), Educational Services (45,866 people), and Retail Trade (40,685 people) are the three largest industries in Baltimore County, Maryland. Utilities ($89,248), Public Administration ($80,332), and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services ($75,283) are the three highest paying industries.
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