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Upper Falls, MD

Learn More About Upper Falls, MD

The city of Upper Falls, Maryland, is home to fantastic eateries, tourist attractions, and locals. In Upper Falls, there are about 453 residents, whereas Baltimore County has about 754,292 inhabitants. We have compiled data obtained from many reputable sources to offer you a better knowledge of Upper Falls in order to assist persons relocating to or living in the city in comprehending the dynamics of the area. Information about housing, demographics, social and educational traits, and even economic data has been provided for Upper Falls.

There are 682.03 square miles in Baltimore County, home to Upper Falls. This county has 754,292 residents and is ranked 63 out of all the places in the United States in terms of population.

Basement Repair Services


There are 453 persons living in Upper Falls, including 211 men and 242 women. Males in the population have a median age of 42.5, while females have a median age of 41.2. Each year, there are roughly 7,657 deaths and 9,063 births. The population of Upper Falls is now made up of 451 people of one race and 2 people of two or more races.

In Upper Falls, there are 453 residents, 121 of them are under 20 years old. In Upper Falls, there are 47 men and 74 women in the population that are 20 years old or younger. You will be included in that statistic if you are a parent or are younger than 20. Those of you who are older will make up the 342 people who are over the age of 18 in the population. 


White people make up 91.9% of residents of Upper Falls overall. At 3.9%, black people are the next most prevalent racial group. In the city's center, there are more white residents. The majority of those who self-identify as black reside in urban areas. White people make up 91.9% of residents of Upper Falls overall. At 3.9%, black people are the next most prevalent racial group. In the city's center, there are more white residents. The majority of those who self-identify as black reside in urban areas.


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