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Drift Waterproofing & Renovations

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Nottingham, MD

Learn More About Nottingham, MD

The population of Nottingham, Maryland is 38,458. Nottingham has 28% more households with children than the neighboring county. The percentage of households with children in the county is 27%.

Nottingham, Maryland's typical household income is $78,606. Compared to the national median of $61,963, the surrounding county's median household income is $74,152. People in Nottingham are 40.1 years old on average.

The typical high in July is 87.4 degrees, while the typical low in January is 24.8 degrees. 51.53 mm of precipitation falls each year.

Basement Repair Services


White represents 49.4% of Nottingham's population as a whole. At 35.5%, black people are the next most prevalent racial group. East parts of the city have a higher concentration of white residents. The majority of black people are likely to reside in western regions.


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