There are 13,511 residents in Monkton, with a median age of 46. Of this, 50.88% are males and 49.12% are females. US-born citizens make up 93.48% of the resident pool in Monkton, while non-US-born citizens account for 5.61%. Additionally, 0.91% of the population is represented by non-citizens.
A total of 12,424 people in Monkton currently live in the same house as they did last year. There are a total of 4,698 households in Monkton, each made up of around 3 members. Family establishments represent 82.69% of these Monkton households, while non-family units account for the remaining 17.31%. Additionally, 36.61% of households have children and 63.39% of households are without children.
White-collar workers make up 90.9% of the working population in Monkton, while blue-collar employees account for 9.1%. There are also 1,115 entrepreneurs in Monkton (17.21% of the workforce); 3,973 workers employed in private companies (61.32%); and 850 people working in governmental institutions (13.12%).
The average annual household income in Monkton is $181,827, while the median household income sits at $140,716 per year. Residents aged 25 to 44 earn $162,447, while those between 45 and 64 years old have a median wage of $157,773.
The majority race in Monkton overall is white at 95.5% of residents. The next most-common racial group is Hispanic at 2.4%. There are more white people in the north areas of the city. People who identify as Hispanic are most likely to be living in the northeast places.
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