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Learn More About Maryland

The population of Maryland was 6.05 million in 2019, with a median age of 39 and an average household income of $86,738. Maryland's population increased by 0.049 percent between 2018 and 2019, from 6.04 million to 6.05 million, while its median household income increased by 4.2 percent, from $83, 242 to $86, 738.

White (non-Hispanic) (498.8%), Black or African American (non-Hispanic) (29.7%), Asian (non-Hispanic) (6.35%), Other (Hispanic) (4.74%), and White (Hispanic) make up Maryland's top 5 ethnic groupings (4.71 percent ). In Maryland, 19.4% of households have English as their second or third language at home.

In Maryland, citizens of the United States make up 92.6% of the population.

The biggest colleges in Maryland are Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland Global Campus (12,643 degrees conferred in 2020), and University of Maryland College Park (13,845 degrees) (10,092 degrees).

Maryland's median house value in 2019 was $332,500, and 66.8% of the state's population was homeowners. The majority of persons in Maryland commuted alone by car, and it took them 31.8 minutes on average to get there. Maryland residents had two cars on average per family.

Maryland shares borders with the District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

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6.05 million people call Maryland home, of which 92.6 percent are citizens. In Maryland, 15.1% of persons were born abroad of the country as of 2019. (913k people).

3.01 million White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 1.67 times more Marylanders in 2019 than any other racial or ethnic group. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 1.8M and 384k inhabitants, respectively.

Spanish (492,491 speakers), Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese) (70,479 speakers), and French (including Cajun) are the most often used foreign languages in Maryland (56,182 speakers).

Ethnicity and Race

3.01 million White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 1.67 times more Marylanders in 2019 than any other racial or ethnic group. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groups were Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) with 1.8M and 384k inhabitants, respectively.

Hispanics make up 10.6 percent of the population of Maryland (643k people).

Other Language Speakers

Lower than the national average of 22 percent, 19.4 percent of Marylanders speak a language other than English.

Spanish was the most widely spoken non-English language in Maryland in 2019. Spanish is the native language of 8.66% of Maryland's population. The next two most popular languages are Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese) at 1.24 percent and French (including Cajun) at 0.988 percent.

Population Born Abroad

In comparison to the national average of 13.7 percent, 15.1% of Marylanders (913k persons) were born abroad of the country as of 2019. Maryland had 15% of its population who were foreign-born citizens in 2018, a growing number.

By Nativity, Age

Maryland's population's average age in 2019 was 39. With a median age of 37, residents who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 44. But the population of Maryland is aging. The median age of all Marylanders in 2018 was 39.

Worldwide Diversity

El Salvador accounted for 119,690 of the foreign-born residents of Maryland who were born abroad in 2019, followed by India with 67,289 and Guatemala with 43,589.


Maryland's citizenship rate as of 2019 was 92.6 percent, which was lower than the national average of 93.4 percent. Maryland had 93% of its population who were US citizens in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.


Veterans Maryland has more military troops who participated in the Gulf War (2001-) than in any other conflict (1.01 times more).


In Maryland, the average household income is $86,738. With a value of $121,618 in 2019, Howard County, MD had Maryland's highest median household income, followed by Calvert County, MD, and Montgomery County, MD, with values of $112,380 and $110,389, respectively.

In Maryland, the average income of men is $1.23 times greater than that of women, who earn $67,109 on average. Maryland's level of income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.459, which is lower than the national average.

Maryland's economy employs 2,99 million people. Construction, elementary & secondary education, and restaurants & food services are Maryland's three largest industries (each employing 206,129 people), and wholesale electronic markets & agents & brokers pays the highest wages ($185,849), followed by securities, commodities, funds, trusts & other financial investments ($151,259) and sugar & confectionery products ($142,505).


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