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Fork, MD

Learn More About Fork, MD

Fork, MD is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 70 people who live in Fork and approximately 754,292 who live in Baltimore County. We want to help people moving to or living in Fork to understand the dynamics of the city, so we have put together information gathered from various creditable sources to give you a better understanding of Fork. 

Baltimore County where Fork resides is 682.03 square miles. The resident population of this county is 754,292 and has a population rank of 63 out of all the places in the United States.

Fork has a total of 70 people and of those residents there are 36 males and 34 females. The median age of the male population is 54 and the female population is 51.5. There are approximately 9,063 births each year and around 7,657 deaths. The race breakdown of the population in Fork varies per year, but currently 70 are one race and N/A are two or more races.

Of the 70 people who live in Fork, there are 11 under 20 years old. The sex breakdown of the 20 years old and younger population in Fork is 6 male and 5 female. If you have children or you are under the age of 20, then you will be considered in that statistic. For those of you who are older, then you will be part of the population that is 18 years and older and totals 60.

Basement Repair Services

Occupations and Workforce

The Fork occupations categories include management, professional and related occupations (149,884), service occupations (50,193), sales and office occupations (110,226), farming, fishing and forestry occupations (419), constructions, extraction, maintenance and repair occupations (30,346) and production, transportation and material moving occupations (38,637). The 595,770 employed over the age of 16 are broken down into the class of worker.


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