With a population of 41.5k in 2019, Catonsville, Maryland has a median age of 40 and a typical family income of $89,219. Catonsville, Maryland saw a 0.0771% growth in population between 2018 and 2019—41,515—and a 0.921% increase in its median family income—$88,405—to 41,547.
White (Non-Hispanic) (72.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (15.2%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (6.46%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.33%), and White (Hispanic) (2.11%) are the 5 largest ethnic groups in Catonsville, Maryland. In Catonsville, Maryland, 0% of households have English as the only language spoken at home.
In Catonsville, Maryland, 96.7% of the population is an American citizen.
University of Maryland-Baltimore County is the largest university in Catonsville, Maryland (3,686 degrees awarded in 2020).
2019 saw a $327,900 median home price in Catonsville, Maryland, with a 73.5% homeownership rate. The majority of residents of Catonsville, Maryland commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 25.5 minutes. In Catonsville, Maryland, there were typically two cars per family.
41.5k individuals call Catonsville, Maryland home, of which 96.7% are citizens. 8.85% of Catonsville, Maryland inhabitants were born abroad as of 2019. (3.68k people).
In Catonsville, Maryland, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 30.2k of the population in 2019, which is 4.79 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.68k Asian (non-Hispanic) and 6.31k Black or African American (non-Hispanic) inhabitants.
In Catonsville, Maryland, White (non-Hispanic) residents made up 30.2k of the population in 2019, which is 4.79 times more than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.68k Asian (non-Hispanic) and 6.31k Black or African American (non-Hispanic) inhabitants.
Hispanics make up 2.65% of the population of Catonsville, MD (1.1k people).
In comparison to the national average of 13.7%, just 8.85% of Catonsville, MD inhabitants (3.68k persons) were born outside of the country as of 2019. In Catonsville, Maryland, the proportion of residents who were born abroad was 9.56% in 2018, indicating a declining rate.
The average age of all residents of Catonsville, Maryland, in 2019 was 40. With a median age of 39, residents who were born in the United States were typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 42. However, the population of Catonsville, Maryland, is aging. The average age of all people living in Catonsville, Maryland, in 2018 was 40.
El Salvador accounted for 109,550 of Maryland's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019. This was followed by India (61,201), China (43,434), and then India.
In comparison to the national average of 93.4%, 96.7% of Catonsville, MD people were US citizens as of 2019. In Catonsville, Maryland, 95.8% of people were US citizens in 2018, indicating a rising citizenship rate.
Veterans Vietnam veterans make up a significant portion of the military population in Catonsville, Maryland—1.38 times more than in any other combat.
In Catonsville, Maryland, the average household income is $89,219. In Catonsville, Maryland, Census Tract 4005 had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $162,574, followed by Census Tract 4014 and Census Tract 4004 with values of $126,000 and $123,923, respectively.
In Maryland, the average income of males is $1.26 times greater than that of females, who earn $65,242. Maryland's level of income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.461, which is lower than the national average.
20.7k persons are employed in Catonsville, Maryland's economy. The three industries with the highest wages in Catonsville, Maryland are public administration ($96,554), utilities ($91,711), and information ($81,458). The three industries with the largest workforces are educational services (3,349 people), health care & social assistance (2,884 people), and professional, scientific, & technical services (2,358 people).
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