With a population of 21k in 2019, Cockeysville, Maryland had a median age of 34.3 and a typical family income of $65,420. Cockeysville, Maryland's population fell from 22,071 to 21,038 between 2018 and 2019, a 4.68% fall, while its median household income increased from $62,239 to $65,420, a 5.11% rise.
White (non-Hispanic) (51%), Black or African American (19.6%), Asian (non-Hispanic) (11.7%), White (Hispanic) (11.4%), and Two+ (non-Hispanic) (2.06%) make up the top 5 ethnic groups in Cockeysville, Maryland. In Cockeysville, Maryland, 0% of households have English as the only language spoken at home.
In Cockeysville, Maryland, 85.2% of the population is an American citizen.
Institute of Health Sciences is Cockeysville, Maryland's biggest university (106 degrees awarded in 2020).
In Cockeysville, Maryland, the median home value in 2019 was $333,000, and the homeownership rate was 33.8%. The majority of residents of Cockeysville, Maryland commuted alone by car, and the trip took an average of 26.2 minutes. In Cockeysville, Maryland, there were typically two cars per family.
There are 21k residents in Cockeysville, MD, of which 85.2% are citizens. In 2019 there were 20.9% foreign-born residents living in Cockeysville, Maryland (4.41k people).
In Cockeysville, Maryland, White (Non-Hispanic) residents made up 10.7k of the population in 2019, which was 2.6 times greater than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.46k Asian and 4.13k Black or African American (non-Hispanic) residents.
In Cockeysville, Maryland, White (Non-Hispanic) residents made up 10.7k of the population in 2019, which was 2.6 times greater than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most prevalent ethnic groupings were 2.46k Asian and 4.13k Black or African American (non-Hispanic) residents.
Hispanics make up 15.1% of the population in Cockeysville, MD (3.18k people).
4.41k persons in Cockeysville, MD were born abroad of the country as of 2019, which is greater than the 13.7% national average. There were 21.2% foreign-born residents in Cockeysville, Maryland in 2018, a declining percentage.
In Cockeysville, Maryland, the median age of the population was 34.3 in 2019. Citizens who were born in their country had a median age of 34, which was typically younger than those who were born abroad, who had a median age of 36. However, the population of Cockeysville, Maryland, is aging. The median age of residents in Cockeysville, Maryland, in 2018 was 34.
El Salvador accounted for 109,550 of Maryland's foreign-born residents' birthplaces in 2019. This was followed by India (61,201), China (43,434), and then India.
Lower than the national average of 93.4%, 85.2% of Cockeysville, MD people were citizens as of 2019. The proportion of US citizens in Cockeysville, Maryland, was 85.2% in 2018, indicating a declining citizenship rate.
1.34 times more military soldiers from Cockeysville, Maryland, served in the Gulf War (1990s) than in any previous combat.
In Cockeysville, Maryland, the average household income is $65,420. Census Tract 4089 in Cockeysville, Maryland had the highest median household income in 2019 with a value of $109,853, followed by Census Tract 4085.03 and Census Tract 4084 with values of $72,308 and $70,375, respectively.
In Maryland, the average income of males is $1.26 times greater than that of females, who earn $65,242. Maryland's level of income inequality, as determined by the Gini index, is 0.461, which is lower than the national average.
11.8k persons are employed in Cockeysville, Maryland's economy. Health Care & Social Assistance (1,863 people), Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services (1,279 people), and Retail Trade (1,105 people) employ the most people in Cockeysville, Maryland. Public Administration ($77,139), Finance & Insurance ($73,185), and Information ($72,788) are the three industries with the highest salaries.
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