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Check Valve for Sump Pump Installation

Sump Pump Installation: Check Valve for Sump Pump Installation

When the pump is turned off, the water in the pipe is prevented from leaking back into the sump pit thanks to a check valve that is attached to the discharge line. Because it restricts the flow of water (or any liquid for that matter), a check valve is also frequently referred to as a "one-way" valve. This is because the check valve only opens in one direction.

When installing a check valve, how far above the sump pump should it be placed?

In applications using submersible pumps, the first check valve should be mounted either directly on the discharge head of the pump or no more than one pipe length (20 feet) above the pump.

Does a check valve need to be installed on a sump pump?

Check valves for sump pumps are an essential component of every functioning sump pump system. The sump check valve is attached to the discharge line that leads away from your sump pump and protects your pump from having to re-pump water that it has already released from the system.

Is it possible to install a check valve on the sump pump?

After the water has been drained out of your sump pump, a check valve will stop it from flooding back into the pump. You will need the check valve itself, as well as two PVC couplings, two PVC nuts, some PVC cement and an applicator, and a hacksaw to install a check valve. To avoid any issues with the valve not fitting properly, check to see that it has the same diameter as the drainage pipe.

Is it possible to install a check valve for a sump pump in a horizontal position?

Depending on the kind of liquid that has to be extracted, they can be set up in either a vertical or a horizontal arrangement for extraction. The check valve needs to be installed in a horizontal position if you are pumping out solids or semi-solids (up to a 45 degree angle).

Is it possible for the sump pump to have two check valves?

If you install two check valves in parallel, you will be protected against the stuck-closed scenario (since it is unlikely that both check valves will fail in the same manner), but you will actually be more likely to experience a stuck-open fault. This is due to the fact that discharge water can flow back into the sump well if either of the check valves fails open.


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